What is PSHE?

PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) takes place every fortnight at Cardinal Newman and provides our students with the opportunity to learn and develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.
Our mission at Cardinal Newman is based on the Gospel values to ‘have life and have it to the full’ (John 10:10), and our PSHE curriculum is designed to be able to help pupils to achieve this. Our PSHE curriculum covers three main areas: Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), Health and Wellbeing and, Careers and Enterprise. The curriculum content focuses on ways to help pupils stay healthy, safe, and prepared for life- and work- in modern Britain, providing them with a firm foundation to be able to live their life to the full.

For further information on the topics covered in PSHE, please click here.

If you feel you might need any support with any topic in PSHE, please speak to Mrs Antell or your form teacher. Alternatively, we have identified some topics where extra support might be needed- you can access some support on these topics by following the links below:


For further information and advice on relationship and sex education, please click here.


Mental Health Advice

Please follow the link to the Mental Health Section of our webpage, where you can access support and advice links to help with your mental wellbeing.


Cancer And Self-Checking Support

How to perform a testicular self-check- https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/tse.html

How to perform a breast exam- https://www.tigerlilyfoundation.org/for-girls/

Macmillan Cancer Support- https://www.macmillan.org.uk


Drugs and Alcohol Support

For help and support on issues relating to drugs and alcohol, click on the following links:




Gambing And Debt Support


For help and support with any issues surrounding gambling and debt, please follow:




Online Saftey

Please visit the ‘E-safety’ section of our website, where parents and students can access advice and support. Please click here


Careers Advice

For further careers advice, please follow the link to the careers section of our webpage, for a variety of support links and resources to help with planning your future. Please click here.