At Cardinal Newman, we aim to maximise attendance rates as we know that Attendance Matters – There is a significant link between a child’s attendance record and their success in the future. Research shows that the equivalent of 17 days absence from school can equate to achieving a grade lower at GCSE. 90% attendance means one half day per week, 4 weeks per year, and half a year off over 5 years in high school. Good attendance promotes better friendships, builds resilience and improved self-esteem Our attendance policy can be read by clicking Here
Please contact the school every day before 8.45am to report your child’s absence. You can leave a message on the school answer phone 01925 635556 or email the office at or report the absence on School Gateway stating your child’s name, class and full reason for the absence As part of our safeguarding procedures, the school operates contact system every day. This means that if we are not notified of your child’s absence from school, you will be contacted by telephone or text until we have confirmation of the absence. If school do not get a response a letter is sent via email at the end of the day requesting a reason is provided for the absence If we receive no response to our contact system and are concerned, then school may contact the police on 101 and ask them to carry out a welfare check. It can be tricky deciding whether to keep your child off school when they are unwell. There are government guidelines for schools about managing specific infectious diseases at GOV.UK. These say when children should be kept off school and when they should not. If your child is well enough to go to school, but has an infection that could be passed on, such as a cold sore or head lice, let school know.
If for any reason your child needs to leave school during the day, they must sign out at the school office. Please provide some evidence of the appointment, this could be in the form of a letter or screenshot of the appointment confirmation explaining why they need to leave. Please try to make all dentist, doctor, hospital, optician and orthodontist appointments, outside school hours where possible.
Leave of absence in term time
Parents/carers do not have a legal right to take children out of school during term time. Each application is considered individually by the Headteacher. Requests must be sent to the school office marked for the attention of the headteacher. Permission for a leave of absence during term time must be requested 2 weeks in advance of the required date. Holidays are not permitted during term time, if you choose to take a holiday in term time, school need to be informed prior to the holiday taking place. Any holiday in term time will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
It is important to arrive to school and to lessons on time. Morning registration opens at 8.50am. Registration can only be open for 30 minutes. Any student arriving after this time or will be marked with a U (unauthorised absence) If they arrive after morning registration, they must sign in at the main school reception. Afternoon registration is at 12 noon.
General Information
If your child becomes ill they must tell a teacher straight away. If your child is too ill to remain in school or need further treatment, we will contact you to collect your child. Your child is not allowed to leave school or go home without permission. If your child requires any form of medication please bring it to the main school office before the start of the school day. Should you have any questions regarding your child's attendance please contact your child's form tutor in the first instance or pastoral manager.