First Day
On your 1st day at Cardinal Newman you will need to arrive in school by 8.40am and we will only have year 7 in school. You will come to the auditorium where you will be greeted by Mrs Finn, Mrs McWilliams and the Year 7 Team. We start the day with our first assembly as Year 7. You will then go with your form tutor to your form room to be registered. Here you will be given your timetable and year badge. During your first week your class teachers will collect you or the prefects will take you to your lessons to help you find you way around. You get to have break and lunch early before the rest of the school so that it's not too busy. For the first week you also get to go to the buses early so that you can find your bus and know where you need to go. The teachers will be with you. If you have any problems at all then Mrs Finn, Mrs McWilliams are always around to help you out as well as the prefects.