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Pastoral Care OverviewRationaleCardinal Newman Catholic High School must do its best for each student in accordance with its mission statement, demonstrating that it is a caring Christian community that shows concern and understanding for the personal needs of each individual student.
It is important that each child has a personal contact with whom they can identify, who knows him/her individually and who can be consulted if and when personal or academic problems may arise. Discipline is the responsibility of all staff. Purposes
This policy should be read in the context of policies relating to SEN and Inclusion, Rewards and Recognition, Statement of Behaviour Principles, Behaviour Consequences ,Exclusions ,Attendance and Punctuality, Anti-Bullying and Safeguarding. 1. All aspects of pastoral care entail a whole school involvement. 2. Heads of Year/Form Tutors and Pastoral Managers are responsible for the students in their year according to the job specification given to them by the Headteacher. 3. The pastoral system is based on year groupings. 4. Form Tutors are responsible for attending meetings within their own year group and are closely involved in the academic monitoring and mentoring of students in their form group (KS3 PSHE/Values ; KS4 mentoring) as well as accepting responsibility for their pastoral care as directed by their Head of Year (see guidelines in Role of a Form Tutor). 5. Regular meetings are held between the Heads of Key Stage 3 and 4, Heads of Year and Form Tutors and Pastoral Managers. 6. Form Tutors register students in their form group twice a day, at the beginning of each morning and afternoon session. They monitor attendance and punctuality, drawing any problems or concerns to the attention of their Head of Year/Key Stage. 7. Form time is set aside each week to discuss specific themes, challenge inappropriate attitudes and mentor students. Collective Worship, Ring and Read at KS3 are also Form Time activities. There is an underlying theme laid down for each half-term which should be addressed by year teams during form time as directed by the Head of Year. 8. There is a comprehensive rewards and sanctions system in operation within the school and clear and consistent disciplinary procedures. Behaviour Consequences with Level1, 2 and 3 behaviours are clearly set out in every student?s planner. 9. Links with parents are seen as a positive strength in the pastoral development of pupils. Communication with parents includes a termly newsletter, prospectus, induction evenings, parents? evenings, formal interviews and general letters for specific information giving. 10. Students are encouraged to participate in a wide range of social and educational activities, including residential experiences, foreign travel, clubs, teams, sporting and musical and theatrical activities and excursions. 11. Links with the community are established and there are links with the Parishes and various charities and local initiatives. 12. Students are given the opportunity to put forward their views by participation in the school and year councils (Form Representatives), to take on various roles and responsibilities, e.g. prefects , members of subject/interest clubs and to organise and participate in Chaplain/ Form assemblies. Miss Jones – Miss Jones is the Head of Year 7 Mr Brophy – Mr Brophy is the Head of Year 8 Mrs Booth – Mrs Booth is the Head of Year 9 Mr Russell – Mr Russell is the Head of Year 10 Mrs Hatton – Mrs Hatton is the Head of Year 11 Miss Charlton – Miss Charlton currently supports year 9. She also oversees our mental health support working with CAMHS, the mental health support team and animal assisted therapist to ensure that students have access to the correct support and that there is a coordinated approach. Mrs Dolphin – Mrs Dolphin currently works with Years 7 and 10 and oversees safeguarding. She will work with a range of external agencies to ensure that timely and effective support is in place for families and is a key contact in school should you have any concerns. Mrs Humphries – Mrs Humphries works with a number of students across all five year groups as our Inclusion Co-ordinator. Offering programmes of support for behaviour, 1-1 sessions for emotional regulation and supporting some of our families most in need during times of crisis she is an integral part of the team. Mrs James – Mrs James is our school chaplain who provides support across all year groups. Running the chaplaincy team and ensuring our school community is thriving and living out our catholic values Mrs James also provides a listening ear for a number of students who may just need a little extra support. Mrs Ward - Mrs Ward currently supports years 8 and 11. She works with the attendance team to ensure that students are well supported in maintaining good attendance as well as ensuring that the right support is place if any issues arise. ConclusionThis policy recognises the importance that our Mission Statement places on pastoral support in Cardinal Newman Catholic High School as a Christian community. It reflects the duty of all staff to support a safe and caring environment for each individual student.