Our School CouncilSchool Council is an integral part of the school community, supporting the Catholic Ethos and fundamental British Values. The School Council ensures that all pupils within the school have a voice that is listened to, and allows them to demonstrate how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes such as, a School Council whose members are voted for by the pupils. It also gives pupils an understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected by law as-well as an understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination. It allows pupils to have an acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself, (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour. The School Council at Cardinal Newman meets about once a month and begins the meeting with a prayer. The agenda is then addressed and led through by the elected Chair Person. The points are raised and discussed democratically and often a vote takes place to find the outcome of the matter. Minutes are kept for each meeting, so there is evidence of what is discussed. The minutes are fed back via our you said, we did board located on the main corridor. The School Council has supported and is supporting various charities in school, through various fundraising events, up-holding the true traditions and values of Catholic Ethos and British Values. |
Christian Ledden Year 11 School Councilor I have been Deputy Chair and Chair, I bring a lot of experience to the School Council, please bring your ideas and views to me and we can share them at our meetings. |
Euan Gardner - Chair Year 10 Last year I was Deputy Chair, this year I have stepped up to Chair. I am looking forward to chairing meetings with the other School Councillors and putting your ideas forward. |
Jasmine Piekacz - Y10 Deputy Chair I will be supporting Euan in his role as Chair, if Euan can't attend then I will step in for him. I'm super excited about discussing your ideas at our meetings, please come and find me if you need to discuss anything. |
Isla Stabbins Year 10 - Secretary/Treasurer My name is Isla, and I am one of your year 10 representatives. I want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to work together to improve our school and to have their say in how that's done. If there is anything on your mind you'd like to see changed, come and let me know. I am the Secretary so I take the minutes for the meetings, and these can be found on our website. |
Milly Pomfrett Year 9 - Events Manager The School Council will be involved in events over the School year, it is my role to co-ordinate these and ensure all goes as plan. I'm excited to represent my year group and share your ideas. |
Szymon Romotowski Year 8 ICT/Website Co-Ordinator |
Thomas Vinod Year 9 - Eco-Warrior Manager |
Chiamaka Ikeh - Year 8 School Councilor |
Nevan Sherratt Year 11 School Councilor |
Ana Walsh Year 9 - Recruitment Manager
Tom Kane Year 11 - School Councilor |
Harriett Taylor Year 7 School Councilor | |
Lilly Redmond Year 8 Canteen Co-Ordinator |
Gayathri Nair Year 7 School Councilor | |
Chloe Cripps Year 7 School Councilor |